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Hard work and resilience culminate in excellent A level outcomes for Tudor Hall girls.

With the world returning to normal after the challenges of the pandemic, it is easy to forget that our 2023 leavers experienced significant disruption to their education, and that this summer was their first opportunity to sit public examinations. Approaching this challenge with resilience and dedication, Tudor Hall girls have achieved an impressive 42% A*-A grades, with two thirds of girls achieving at least one A* or A in subjects as diverse as Art, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Physics and Textiles.

Headmistress, Julie Lodrick commented:

‘I am delighted with the successes of our 2023 leavers. They have faced the challenges of the last few years with determination, optimism and good humour. We are proud of all that our girls have achieved during their time at Tudor Hall. As we celebrate their results today, we remember also that achievement at school should not only be quantified in terms of grades. The holistic learning environment they have experienced at Tudor has developed them both personally and academically and has made them into young women we are proud to know. We are privileged to have been a part of their journey.’

Tudor Hall girls’ individuality is reflected in the diverse pathways they will follow as they leave us. The school’s Aim Higher ethos, together with the strong working relationships between pupils and teachers, has enabled them to progress to a broad range of courses including German, Philosophy, Biological Sciences, Liberal Arts, Physics and English. They will be going on to study at highly regarded institutions both in the UK and abroad including St Andrews, Durham, LSE, Exeter, UCL, Imperial, LAMDA, The Courtauld Institute and The Savannah College of Art and Design in the United States.

Individual success

Congratulations to Jemima; her A* grades in Classical Civilisation and History and A grade in English Literature will see her begin a History of Art course. Jemima said, ‘I am so excited to have finally confirmed I will be attending The Courtauld Institute of Art in 2024 after the long wait for A level results. For this opportunity, I would like to thank Tudor for the wonderful support I have had from both students and staff. From the beginning, my interests have been nurtured by my teachers, who each have a clear passion for their subjects and a genuine care for their students. I can’t wait to see what life will hold after the amazing start that Tudor has given me.’

With A grades in Economics, Spanish and Psychology, Asyah was accepted into her first choice of course – Business and Management at Bristol. Asyah said, ‘Despite the challenges of the last two years, my teachers have supported me fully in every way. No matter what you achieve, it is important that it does not define you. I am delighted with my results.’

Sienna was overjoyed with her results and is looking forward to beginning her degree in Business. She said:

Thanks to Tudor’s care and attention to me as an individual, I’ve accepted a place at Exeter University. Thank goodness I chose Tudor!

With A grades in History, Politics and Art, Eliza will be reading Philosophy. She said, ‘I am really grateful for the support my teachers gave me and I believe that this enabled me to get the results necessary for UCL; without their dedication to their subjects and students, I am sure I would be in a different position.’

Lottie will be pursuing a STEM pathway, with A* grades in Physics and Mathematics and A grades in Biology and AS Further Mathematics. She will be studying Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London. Lottie said, ‘I am so thankful to the teachers at Tudor for their relentless support and genuine interest in our futures, not just throughout the last two years, but ever since I joined the school in Year 7. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to come here; it has been the best possible experience and I wouldn't change it for anything!’

These stories reflect not only the outstanding teaching at Tudor Hall, but also the breadth of interests of our girls, whose experience here has enabled them to find and follow their own pathway.

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Girls 11 - 18

Full Boarding • Partial Boarding • Day

Tudor Hall, Wykham Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire, England OX16 9UR