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Senior Leadership Team and Staff


Julie Lodrick Headmistress
Adrian Bettridge Bursar & Clerk to the Governors
Simon Smith Deputy Head (Academic)
Kate Simlett Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Lucy Keyte Director of External Relations
Sadie Lapper Director of Co-Curriculum & Operations
Vikki Marsh Head of Sixth Form
James Wakeley Director of Digital Strategy

Assistants to SLT

Assistant Deputy Head (Pastoral) Kate Hart

Teaching staff

Lucy Andrews, BA (UAL), MA (BCU), PGCE (Exeter) Photography
Jo Benlalam, BMus, AKC, PGCE (London) Head of Careers, Head of Academic Music
Mandy Briah, BMedSci (Sheffield), PGCE (Warwick) Head of Biology
Lucinda Burton-Sims, BA (Leeds), PGDipEd (Birmingham) PSHEE
Neil Busby, BSc PGCE (Worcester) Director of Sport
Gilly Cable, BA (Hons), QTS and MTIOB Drama
Sophia Chichester, BA (Middx) Religious Studies
Alan Christopher, MA (Essex), BTEC (Kingshurst), HND (Coventry) Drama
Chloe Corani, BSc (Bournemouth), PGCE (Southampton) Physical Education
Sheila Craske, BA (Oxon), PGCE (MMU) Head of Art
Lindsey Cullen, MA (Oxon) Head of Classics
Bernard D'Souza, BA (Nottingham Trent), PGCE (Warwick) Mathematics
Ruth Demery, BSc (Portsmouth), PGCE (Bristol) Mathematics
Grainne Dennison, BA (Durham), LPC (Chester) English, History
Matthew Dennison, BA (Oxon), MPhil (Glasgow) Head of History, Head of Politics
Ian Edwards, BSc (Newcastle), PGCE (UEA) Mathematics, Academic Administrator
Samuel Edwards, BA (Bath), PGCE (Buckingham) Head of Tennis
Scarlett Embury, BSc (Newcastle), PGCE (Chester) Mathematics
Kate Ford, BA (London), PGCE (Exeter) English
Sara Fordy, BA (Winchester), PGCE (Oxon) Head of Textiles
Julia Forsyth-Forrest, BA (Open University) English
Marie Genot, MA (Provence, France), PGCE (UWE) French/Spanish
Shazia Gleadall, BA (Birmingham), PGCE (Chester) Religious Studies
Victoria Gross, BA (Brunel), PGCE (Middx) Head of Design & Technology
Elisabeth Gulliver, BA (Oxon) Head of Psychology
Kerri Hadfield, BA (Leeds), PGCE (Canterbury) Head of Geography
Clare Harding, BSc (Leeds), PGCE (Birmingham) Head of Food & Nutrition, Leiths Professional Cookery Course
Louise Harper, BA (Dunelm), PGCE (Oxon) Aim Higher Coordinator
Matthew Harper, BA (Oxon), PGCE (Warwick) French/Spanish
Kate Hart, BA (MMU), PGCE (Birmingham) Head of PSHEE
Monica Jimenez, BA (La Rioja, Spain), PGCE (Canterbury) Head of Spanish
Kathryn Joel, BA (Warwick) DELTA, TESOL, EAL Coordinator
Andrea Johnson, BSc, PGCE (Durham) Chemistry
Lucy Keyte, BA (Nottingham), PGCE (Warwick), MSc (Roehampton) French
Rachael Knapman, Netball Level 1 Coach (UKCC) Netball
Sadie Lapper, BSc (Worcester), PGCert (Gloucester), MSc (Oxford Brookes) Physical Education
Lindsey Lea-James, BMus, LTCL, ALCM, PGCE (Huddersfield) Director of Music
Julie Lodrick, BA (Chichester), PGCE (Kingston), MEd (Open) Music
Victoria Marsh, BSc (Keele), PGCE (Exeter) Mathematics
Rebecca Moffat, BA (Durham) GTP Learning Support, Maths Coordinator
Alice Montgomery, BA (Newcastle), PGCE (Southampton) Head of History of Art
Bev Murphy, BA (Wales), MA, PhD, PGCE (UEA) Deputy Head of Learning Support
Sarah Neale, BA (Worcester) Dance
Amanda Neil, BA (Leeds), PGCIPP (Chichester) Head of Learning Support
Alison Osborn, BA (Reading), PGCE (Exeter) History
Pervin Özkan, Licence (Tours, France), PGCE (Exeter) Head of French
Charlotte Pemble, BSc, PGCE (Worcester) 2 i/c Physical Education
Jonitha Peterpillai, BSc, (Warwick) MSc, PGCE (Oxon) Head of Mathematics
Ryan Pickering, NPLQ, NUCO Sporting Facilities & Physical Education
Bob Roberts, BA, MA (Warwick), PGCE (Lancaster) Head of English
Ian Robinson, BEng, PGCE (Lancaster) Physics
Emily Scates, BA (London), PGCE (CSSD) Head of Drama
Paul Scott, BSc (Newcastle), PGCE (Durham) Learning Support
Kate Simlett, MSc (Loughborough) Physical Education
Zoe Simms, BA, MA (KCL), MSc (Oxon), PGCE (Institute of Education) Head of Religious Studies
Catherine Simpson, BA, GDL, MPhil (Cantab), PGCE (Belfast) English
Rachel Smith, BA (Wales), PGCE (Leicester) Psychology
Simon Smith, BA, PGCE (York) History, Politics
James Stead, BA (Cumbria), PGCE (Wales) Art
Holly Thomas, BA (Bath), PGCE (Coventry) Head of Modern Languages
Richard Thompson, MA (Oxon), PGCE (London) Head of Economics
Julia Thorn, BA (Reading), MSt (Oxon) Classics
Joanne Thorne, BA (Middx), MA, PGCE (Warwick), MBA (OU) Head of Business Studies
Dane Tice, BA (Lawrence University Wisconsin), DPhil (Oxon) Head of Physics
Kate Turnbull, BA (Birmingham), MA (Central St Martins), PGCE (Keele) Textiles
Katie Viggers, BSc (Loughborough) Physical Education
James Wakeley, BSc (OU), PGCE (Bath) Head of Computing & IT
Rebecca Warrington, BA (MMU), MA, PGCE (Middx) Textiles
Jenny Werren, Mchem (Bath) Head of Chemistry
Layla Williams, BA (London), PGCE (De Montfort) Head of Dance
Lucy Witherspoon Physical Education
James Woodward, BSc (Wales), PGCE (Exeter) Biology

Boarding Staff

Gilly Cable Senior Housemistress
Lindsey Pickering Ashtons Houseparent
Ryan Pickering Ashtons Houseparent
Calypso Morley Ashtons Deputy Housemistress
Sophia Chichester Inglis Housemistress
Caroline Rimmer Inglis Deputy Housemistress
Ruth Demery Vs Housemistress
Nina Forde Vs Deputy Housemistress
Ribh Ireland IVs Acting Housemistress
Lauren Amos IVs Deputy Housemistress
Grainne Dennison IIIs Housemistress
Hannah Duckett IIIs Deputy Housemistress
Lucinda Burton-Sims Lower School Housemistress, Todd House
Victoria Epton Lower School Deputy Housemistress, Todd House
Julie Bennett Boarding support
Rebecca Coleman Boarding support
Amanda Brauer Residential Staff Mentor
Maria Rees Boarding support
Georgia Thomas Boarding support
Georgie Stratford Boarding Assistant


Alison Richardson Chaplain
Sarah Whitehouse School Counsellor


Yin Yu Graduate Assistant Music
Charmian Barlett Cello
Thomas Davies Guitar
James Foley Guitar
Sarah Haigh Singing
Kim Keeble Oboe
Kate Pickin Piano
Elisabeth Sharam Flute
Deborah Siepmann Piano
Kayleigh Skinner Singing
Lucy Tugwell Clarinet and Saxophone
Chris Windass Violin

Sport and PE

Lauren Amos Graduate Assistant Sport
James Boardman Hockey Coach
Godwin Abah Tennis Coach
Lucy Brown Tennis Coach
Lee Morton Tennis Coach
Ginny Steven Ballet
Annabelle Taylor Tennis Coach

Speech and Drama

Pippa Phillips Speech and Drama


Calypso Morley Art Technician
Zoe Johnson CDT Technician
Sarah Carolan Senior Science Technician
Julie Brown Assistant Science Technician
Hope Talbot Waller Textiles Technician
Samantha Sullivan Textiles Technician

Learning Support

Stephanie Herbert Teaching Assistant
Rebecca Moffat Learning Support
Isabel Rimmer Teaching Assistant
Sarah Skevington Teaching Assistant

Modern Foreign Languages

Kubra Özkan French Language Assistant
Belen Sainz-Pardo Spanish Language Assistant
Nadine von Paledzki German Language Assistant


Kenneth Iredale Financial Controller
Nicole Hamilton HR Manager
Diane Cook Finance Assistant
Louise Sollis Finance Assistant
Carol Edginton Finance Assistant

Administrative and Support staff

Edwina Roberts EA to the Headmistress
Alison Mullins EA to the Bursar & Assistant Clerk to the Governors
Amelia Senior PA to the Headmistress and HR Manager
Zoë Ludford Pastoral Administrator
Brian Wray Data Manager
Andrew Witherspoon Examinations Officer
Charlotte Redman School Events Coordinator
Helen Mascall Senior Administrative Secretary
Joanne Twelvetrees Administrative Secretary - Music
Rachael Knapman Administrative Secretary - PE and Educational Visits Coordinator
Annabelle Coombs School Reception
Helen Read Reception and Administrator to the Deputy Head Academic
Lesley Mansfield Transport Administrator
Caroline Thomas Commercial Manager

Admissions, Marketing and Development

Elspeth Dyer Registrar
Fiona Gaskin Assistant Registrar
Emma McGowan Marketing Manager
Karen Smith Marketing Manager
Nicola Mawle Graphic Designer
Louise Norton Development Director
Lindsay Silver Alumnae Communications Manager
Carrie Davidson Alumnae Events and Development Officer

Grounds, Maintenance and Domestic Services

Ben Stowe Estates Manager
Sam Parkin Senior Maintenance
Charlie Cross Senior Grounds
Ben Osman Estates Administrator
Elaine Eyre Domestic Manager
Louise Gough Catering Manager

ICT Systems and Network

Paul Smith ICT Systems & Network Manager
Chris Durn Systems Network Engineer


Dr Catriona Reid School Doctor
Janet Bonham, RGN Sister-in-Charge
Lindsey Pickering, RGN Sister
Virginia Rayner, RGN Sister

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Girls 11 - 18

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Tudor Hall, Wykham Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire, England OX16 9UR